Theoretical Understanding and Practical Application of Advertising and Promotion in Business

Theoretical Understanding and Practical Application of Advertising and Promotion in Business

Essay on Theoretical Understanding and Practical Application of Advertising and Promotion in Business
This assignment is based on the case scenario presented below and you must use it to answer the questions that follow.
LUNDY LTD is a global marketing communication company in the process of recruiting HE students in the UK for three weeks well paid (£2,400.00) internship. They have an eye for students who have studied Advertising and Promotion in Business at the level 5 HND stage. The company believes that this level would be most relevant to their current needs because they seek interns from HE who have good knowledge and understanding of the scope and techniques of marketing communication, the role and importance of advertising, and the ability to plan integrated promotional strategies.
You made an application for this interesting position and your application has been a successful in that the company invited you to an Assessment Centre where you will write series of short essays for a panel of five members who are in the senior management cadre of the company.
The panel will assess how relevant your essay is, and use it as the primary yardstick for selection of interns. The criteria for assessment and characteristics of essays at passable, merit and distinction levels are provided later below.
Essay Task 1: The Scope of Marketing Communications
You should attempt to:
1.1 Explain the marketing communication process that applies to the advertising and promotion of business.

1.2 Provide an explanation of how the advertising and promotion industry is organised.

1.3 Provide an assessment of how promotion is regulated.

1.4 Examine current trends in advertising and promotion (including but not limited to the impact of ICT).
(Task 1 provides evidence for Learning Outcome 1; Assessment Criteria 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and M1, M3)

Essay Task 2: The Role and Importance of Advertising
You should attempt to:
2.1 Explain how advertising can play an important role as part of an integrated strategy for the promotion of a business or product.
2.2 Explain branding and how it can be used as a tool to strengthen a business or product, using one global brand as an illustration.
2.3 Review the various creative aspects of advertising.
2.4 Examine the major ways of working with an advertising agency.
(Task 2 provides evidence for Learning Outcome 2; Assessment Criteria 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 and M3, D3)

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Task 3: Below-the-line Techniques and their Usage
You should attempt to:
3.1 Identify and explain the primary techniques of below-the-line promotion; and how they can play a role as part of an integrated strategy for the promotion of a business or product.
3.2 Identify some techniques used in below-the-line promotion that are not regarded as ‘primary’ and that you have not discussed in 3.1 last above; give your evaluation of these techniques.
(Task 3 provides evidence for Learning Outcome 3; Assessment Criteria 3.1, 3.2 and M2, M3, D1)

Essay Task 4: Ability to Plan Integrated Promotional Strategies
You should attempt to:
4.1 Select and follow a process that is appropriate for the formulation of a budget for an integrated promotional strategy.
4.2 Taking an initial budget of £16,000.00, explain how you would use it to carry out the development of a promotional plan for any chosen business or product.
4.3 Provide a plan for how you would integrate promotional techniques into the overall promotional strategy for any chosen business or product. These promotional techniques may include (but are not limited to) the following:
? Increasing engagement
? Use of social media for market research
? Location-based marketing techniques
? Focus on quality content
4.4 Select and apply techniques that are appropriate to measure the effectiveness of a particular campaign.
(Task 4 provides evidence for Learning Outcome 4; Assessment Criteria 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 and M3, D1, D2)

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? This assessment and the Tasks above are designed to assess your achievement of all four of the Learning Outcomes and associated Assessment Criteria for a Pass in the ‘Advertising and Promotion in Business’ unit of the qualification you are undertaking.

? Your tutor/ deliverer will advise you when you should start work on the assignment, the date when you must hand in your completed work and when you can expect to get your mark and feedback on your work. Guidance on this subject is provided on page 1 of this assignment brief.

? You should make sure that you plan your work carefully, to ensure that you cover all four learning outcomes of the assignment, and complete it within the time limit specified.

? There is no official guideline word-count or percentage marking (other than Pass/ Merit/ Distinction/ Refer). By way of guidance only for this particular assignment, it is recommended that you write using your personal judgement and flexibility to spread the weighting of your efforts across the Tasks and write sufficiently to meet each of the Assessment Criteria.

? Your statements in answer to the Learning Outcomes need to be prefixed with the specific Learning Outcome title or at least the Learning Outcome number. This will help you keep on track and should ensure you address the details.

? You must make sure that you acknowledge any sources you have used to complete this assignment, listing reference material and web sites used.

? You must submit your work as hard copy with a Turnitin in report with less than 20% of similarity index. You should mark the assignment with your name, learner number, the unit number, and your Centre name. You may include a title page if you wish. You are strongly advised to keep a copy of your completed assignment before you submit it for assessment – the copy you submit will not be returned to you. Your assignment may be kept by the Institute for quality assurance purposes. Any assignment not kept for quality assurance will be securely stored, destroyed or deleted.

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