The needs of future generations

The needs of future generations

Main Body (1200 words) The needs of future generations are being met by the current policies of sustainable development.
Section 1: The sustainability development of Qatar solution polices to decrease the dangers of Acid rain pollution. (600 words)
• What is Acid rain pollution? (Likens & Bromann, 2010)
• Cause of Acid rain in Qatar (Hodgkiss & Chiu, 1992)
1. Metal factory waste (Alnaser, 2011)
• Acid rain problems are Breathing and lung disorders between people in Qatar. (McCormick, 2013)
• Explain Qatar polices meet the forecast development sustainable goals.
1. Health policies for controlling water pollution
a) Health Breathing current policy (Kaplan & Anderson, 1988)
2. Know research polices.
a) Lung disorders future policies (O’Rourke, 2003)

• Researches evaluation
b) Statistic of lung disease (Rahim, et al., 2014)
Section 2: The sustainability development of Qatar solution polices to decrease the dangers of suspended matter pollution. (600 words)
• What is suspended matter pollution?(Pateraki, S &et al, 2013)
• Cause of suspended matter
1. Sinking particulate matter (Ahmed & Abdel-Moali, 2003)
• Suspended matter problems in Qatar
1. Marine life damage (Bilotta, 2008)
a) Decline the production in ?sh and plant resource (Humood, 2013)
• Explains Qatar polices meet the future development sustainable goals
1. Current fishing polices prevent marine water pollution (Al-hamar, Dawson, & and Al-Hamar, 2011)
2. Future research polices for fishing rules (Mahroum & Al-saleh, 2013)
• Researches Evaluation

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The needs of future generations

The needs of future generations

Main Body (1200 words) The needs of future generations are being met by the current policies of sustainable development.
Section 1: The sustainability development of Qatar solution polices to decrease the dangers of Acid rain pollution. (600 words)
• What is Acid rain pollution? (Likens & Bromann, 2010)
• Cause of Acid rain in Qatar (Hodgkiss & Chiu, 1992)
1. Metal factory waste (Alnaser, 2011)
• Acid rain problems are Breathing and lung disorders between people in Qatar. (McCormick, 2013)
• Explain Qatar polices meet the forecast development sustainable goals.
1. Health policies for controlling water pollution
a) Health Breathing current policy (Kaplan & Anderson, 1988)
2. Know research polices.
a) Lung disorders future policies (O’Rourke, 2003)

• Researches evaluation
b) Statistic of lung disease (Rahim, et al., 2014)
Section 2: The sustainability development of Qatar solution polices to decrease the dangers of suspended matter pollution. (600 words)
• What is suspended matter pollution?(Pateraki, S &et al, 2013)
• Cause of suspended matter
1. Sinking particulate matter (Ahmed & Abdel-Moali, 2003)
• Suspended matter problems in Qatar
1. Marine life damage (Bilotta, 2008)
a) Decline the production in ?sh and plant resource (Humood, 2013)
• Explains Qatar polices meet the future development sustainable goals
1. Current fishing polices prevent marine water pollution (Al-hamar, Dawson, & and Al-Hamar, 2011)
2. Future research polices for fishing rules (Mahroum & Al-saleh, 2013)
• Researches Evaluation

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