Incidence, Risks, Benefits of Vaginal Birth After C-Section
Incidence, Risks, Benefits of Vaginal Birth After C-Section
A Review of the Incidence, Risks, Benefits of Vaginal Birth After C-Section for both the Mother and Child
Project instructions:
Write a 2-page synthesis of the published literature on vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC). Include the following steps in your writing:
Review the trends and incidence of VBAC, risks and benefits to both mother and child, relevant factors influencing each, and the suggestions for future research.
Use resources such as MEDLINE?, DARE, and the Cochrane databases to identify relevant studies.
Include recent systematic reviews, reference lists, reviews, editorials, Internet Web sites, and subject experts.
Describe your anticipated research methods, including specific inclusion and exclusion criteria to determine study eligibility.
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