-References: Use credible sources, include: Healthy People 2020, & a minimum of three nursing journals.

1) Heading for section 1: The name of the vulnerable group
a. Identify your population and discuss social and cultural factors (e.g. Hispanics, Domestic Abuse, Native Americans). Research your vulnerable population. Give demographics of community, as compared to national average (include income, poverty education, example refer to
b. Discuss the aspects of culture that may directly affect health and healthcare, for example, identifying cultural healers, alternative therapies and religious practices, cultural patterns affecting nursing care.
c. Discuss possible health disparities and barriers found in this community. As well as, strengths and resources available to your population. (Refer to the web for cultural considerations about your group. For example:;
2) Heading for section 2: Community problems. CANCER (e.g. cancer)
a. Stay focused. Just talk about the problem (e.g. cancer). Research and discuss the prevalence and incidence of your problem, the known risk factors and treatment goals for the problem.
b. Discuss how the problem is affected by your communities’ culture. Compare the incidence and prevalence of the problem in your population to the national average.
c. Discuss how environment in the community may contribute to the problem. (Use valid and reliable literature to support your chosen problem).

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3) Heading for this section 3: Interventions.
a. Identify the desired outcome based on the Healthy People 2020 Leading Indicators/goals (Use the Healthy People research to support your interventions).
b. Apply your knowledge of social and cultural factors, which affect nursing and healthcare across your chosen population, and outline a plan for interventions based on your findings. Use valid and reliable literature to support your chosen intervention).
c. Conclusion

The purpose of the Community Health Project is to help students think deeply about the community in which they live and do service learning. Students will be able to connect how the environment and determinants of health can influence vulnerable populations and their health/wellness. The community health project consists of one project, broken into three parts, each part building on the other. The project is designed to help students identify, plan and evaluate health problems in a chosen community or subgroup. Objectives (CO#3, 4, 6, 7)

Deliverables (refer to syllabus for due dates)

(1) Windshield Survey (creating an appendix – use template provided) – Group
(2) Written Community Assessment Paper (5 -6 pages) – Individual
(3) Community Assessment (create power point – 15-20 slides) – Group

At a Glance: Process (Overview of the entire project)

• Collect demographics data using credible resources (national, state, county, and city Internet) for community assessment: informant interviews, participant observations, and/or secondary data (e.g. U.S. Census, City of Phoenix sites).
• Using Google maps, identify the zip code or boundary of the area you want to assess.
• Collect data from local sources. As you conduct your assessment and complete the windshield survey tool, support the survey with actual images you have taken with your camera. Record the images as you travel around with your group.
• Research and analyze the data you gained from your observations look for similarities, differences, and inconsistencies to develop a profile of the community.
• Identify and research a vulnerable population, their unmet needs, resources and unique characteristic.
• Based on your windshield survey observations, research about communities, vulnerable populations and the determinants of health; students will write a paper. The paper will outline a plan for a community intervention to improve health and wellness for members of the community, based on the Healthy People 2020 Goals.
• The project will conclude by the student preparing a PowerPoint report to disseminate the information to others.
Deliverables-at a Glance

I. As a group (windshield survey),students will first, choose a community to perform a community assessment. Using the provided template, students will identify various factors, which may affect the health of a community, including cultural considerations. Secondly, the group will identify potential health problems and create a plan for addressing the problems, using the Healthy People 2020 goals.
1) Deliverable: An appendix (see example: Attachment 1), which describes your groups impressions from the windshield survey).
2) References:Research community websites, town/city websites, organizations representing the chosen population or diseases, site sources inside each applicable box. refer to Chapters 8-10.
II. Your individual (written paper assignment), each student chooses oneHealth: Morbidity & Mortality topic problem &Healthy People Goal, (identified in the windshield survey) to research the community, culture, health issues and potential community interventions. The community is the client.
1) Deliverable: Five page paper
2) References: Use credible sources, include: Healthy People 2020, & a minimum of three nursing journals.
III. As a group (PowerPoint), students will develop a final group PowerPoint presentation (15–20 slides) about their chosen community and share their findings in class. This presentation comes at the end of the course, after you have had time to explore various evolving issues and trends in population health. Some examples include the need for people to assume more responsibility for maintaining their own health, Healthy People 2020, epidemiology and the science of prevention, transitional care and the movement from acute care to wellness.
1) Deliverable: PowerPoint presentation.
2) References: Must be included on the slide where applicable.

Part 1: Instructions for Group Projects (3-4 people in a group).

A. Windshield Survey Data gathering.
1) Students will perform a windshield survey, which is a simple “drive-by” assessment of a community to gather general observations about the conditions, resources and needs that are readily apparent through visual observation. Items needed include:
a) Camera,your group will take a minimum of six pictures that show the neighborhood through your eyes. (Avoid including pictures of people we might be able to identify because that would be an invasion of their privacy).Do not take pictures of people without written consent (easier to leave them out of the picture or submit written consent at time of presentation).
a) A map or layout of the neighborhood/community,
b) Windshield Survey Tool (Appendix format).
2) Safety
b) Be careful what time of day you drive or walk a neighborhood.
c) This is a group project; you should not be going alone to any neighborhood.
d) You do not need a car. However, even when walking, it is useful to have more than one person conducting the windshield survey, because this provides more than one perspective on the community being observed
3) Here are some questions to guide your windshield survey, though you are not limited to these. You may discover additional places that help you “see” the neighborhood. As you explore, look for features on the landscape and think about ways the health centers are part of this neighborhood. Use the Windshield Survey Tool to jot down your thoughts.
a) Where are the boundaries of this community? Are there additional boundaries within the neighborhood? Is there a particular building that seems to be the center of the community (e.g. school, church, government building, senior community center, a park, fire department etc.) Does the architecture or the use of buildings provide any clues?
b) What kinds of services for families are in the neighborhood? Could a family find everything they need on a day-to-day basis within this neighborhood? (e.g. grocery stores, health clinics, pharmacy, hospitals, police stations, bus stops, If not, how far would they have to travel to find such services?
c) Does the neighborhood appear safe for children to play and walk to school? Are there public signs in addition to landscape clues? Good lights, graffiti, gang signs, bars, sidewalks, sidewalks (for wheel chair accessory?) (for the first presentation- your windshield survey, just discuss your impressions, but for you final presentation, back up your impression – but also look at the city website for crime rates to back up your impressions).
d) Are there other organizations, such as Boys and Girls Clubs, churches, or Head Start centers that might provide activities for children? Do you see any “safe haven signs?”
e) What jobs are available in the neighborhood? Are these jobs likely to be held by people in the neighborhood or would the employees come from another neighborhood?
f) Interview a member(s) of your population or a healthcare member that serves your population for the final presentation. You may have opportunities during the course or during your clinical experience.
g) What you jot down in boxes 1-13, should lead you to take a look at the community as a whole and make assumptions for box 14, which should help you choose an intervention for box 15. For example, what you see in the community from boxes 1-13, may lead you to assume the community is affluent with many resources. Your observations may lead your group to choose the vulnerable population Hispanics. One member may choose the topic obesity, another diabetes, and a third member nutrition.
h) Then for your individual papers, refer to Healthy People 2020 Goals, to plan possible community interventions.
i) The final PowerPoint will present a summary of your appendix and individual papers.

B. Content Grading Criteria for Windshield Survey Tool, AKA Appendix
• Complete an appendix (see example attachment 1).
• Address all aspects of each section of the survey tool.
• Support main points where possible citing references where applicable.
• In order to demonstrate mastery, students must be able to overtly show evidence of understanding of the community and the determinats of health affecting the community.

Part II: Instructions for Individual Papers (5 pages max)

Your individual (written paper assignment), each student chooses oneHealth: Morbidity & Mortality topic problem &Healthy People Goal, (identified in the windshield survey) to research the community, culture, health issues and potential community interventions. The community is the client.
• Deliverable: Five page paper
• References: Use credible sources, include: Healthy People 2020, & a minimum of 3 nursing journals, US Census and Healthy People 2020.

1) Heading for section 1:The name of the vulnerable group
a. Identify your population and discuss social and cultural factors(e.g. Hispanics, Domestic Abuse, Native Americans). Research your vulnerable population. Give demographics of community, as compared to national average (include income, poverty education, example refer to
b. Discuss the aspects of culture that may directly affect health and healthcare, for example, identifying cultural healers, alternative therapies and religious practices, cultural patterns affecting nursing care.
c. Discuss possible health disparities and barriers found in this community. As well as, strengths and resources available to your population. (Refer to the web for cultural considerations about your group. For example:;
2) Heading for section 2: Community problems.(one per student, no duplicates; e.g. diabetes)
a. Stay focused. Just talk about the problem (e.g. diabetes). Research and discuss the prevalence and incidence of your problem, the known risk factors and treatment goals for the problem.
b. Discuss how the problem is affected by your communities’ culture. Compare the incidence and prevalence of the problem in your population to the national average.
c. Discuss how environment in the community may contribute to the problem. (Use valid and reliable literature to support your chosen problem).
3) Heading for this section 3:Interventions.
a. Identify the desired outcome based on the Healthy People 2020 Leading Indicators/goals (Use the Healthy People research to support your interventions).
b. Apply your knowledge of social and cultural factors, which affect nursing and healthcare across your chosen population, and outline a plan for interventions based on your findings. Use valid and reliable literature to support your chosen intervention).

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c. Conclusion

Part III:
As a group (PowerPoint), students will develop a final group PowerPoint presentation (15–20 slides) about their chosen community and share their findings in class. This presentation comes at the end of the course, after you have had time to explore various evolving issues and trends in population health. Some examples include the need for people to assume more responsibility for maintaining their own health, Healthy People 2020, epidemiology and the science of prevention, transitional care and the movement from acute care to wellness.

• Deliverable: PowerPoint presentation.
• References: Must be included on the slide where applicable

1) In this presentation, you will summarize and discuss the community problem identified, the cultures and the interventions you wrote about in your paper.

Titles of your slides should be as indicated in the underlined:

Content Grading Criteria for PowerPoint
• Slide 1: Title of community and Student Names– a picture of your community in the background
• Slide 2: Title of Community with picture of map boundaries
• Slide 3 and 4: Demographics of community (slides 2 max), macro level discussion (Use credible resources and cite where you obtained the information e.g. U. S. Census, Official City Site).
Slide 3
o Ethnicity mix
o Age range
o Languages
Slide 4
o Variety of households
o Poverty Rates
o Employment Rates
o Educational Rates
• Slide 5-7:Windshield Summary: (slides 3 max). People of the Community-Summarize your findings from the windshield survey. Use pictures of your community on this section. (Use the information you learned from the Windshield Survey Tool for ideas, do not put the appendix into the PowerPoint, do not put all the boxes in the PowerPoint).
• Slides 8- 9: Name of Culture: (slides 2 max). Discuss the aspects of culture that may directly affect health and healthcare, for example, identifying cultural healers, alternative therapies and religious practices, cultural patterns affecting nursing care.
• Slides 10-18: Identified Interventions: Each student will contribute portions of the information from their paper. (Do not go over 3 slides per student!).
Slide 10: Title of identified problem (student 1)
o Brief and succinct explanation of problem (incidence & prevalence) compared to National numbers
Slide 11: Title: Healthy People 2020 Goals/Leading Health Indicator (student 1)
o Desired outcome/goal – Use bullets be succinct.
o Interventions. Describe the plans you made (be specific)- Use bullets be succinct.
Slide 12: Title: Healthy People 2020 Goals/Leading Health Indicator (student 1)
o Bullet points methods, strategies, and/or modalities you would choose to implement your intervention.
Slide 13, 14, 15 (student 2)
Slide 16, 17, 18 (student 3)
• Slides 19-20 Evaluation:
o Highlightresources needed and barriers to achieving goals.
• Last slide
In the note page of slide 20, answer the following question. What changes would you make if you were to repeat the process?
Note: Reference, where applicable should be included in each slide where applicable. Last Slide Provide a reference list (APA format) for websites and resources used for your project.
Note: Speakers Notes: You can use the note section in any of the slides above to add more information to demonstrate mastery and application.
Note: Do NOT put too much information on each slide.

Attachment 1: Appendix
Part I: Windshield Survey Tool
1. Boundaries*

85031, 85035, 85009, 85019, 85033

From North to South: Camelback Rd to Interstate 10

From East to West: 59th Ave. to 35th Ave.

References: 2. Housing and zoning*

References: City, State Web Sites 3. Open space

Empty fields with glass and trash
Public parks and pools
Train tracks

4. Stores and street people

Privately owned stores
No large supermarket chains
Many people pushing grocery carts and riding bicycles
5. Transportation

Public transportation
Cars 6. Race and ethnicity*

Caucasian: 50%
African American: 6%
Other (Hispanic): 37%
Native American: 2%
Multiracial: 4%
Asian: 1%


7. Signs of decay

Several empty fields
Undeveloped housing areas
Houses with bars on their windows
Lots of trash on the curbs
Litter prevalent
Strip clubs
Stray dogs

8. Service/Industrial/Retail

Train tracks
Car sales lots
Strip clubs
Gas station
“Mom and Pop” restaurants
Ethnic grocery stores
Mechanic shops
9. Religion


References: Web sites (cultural health beliefs)
10. Commons/Parks

Community Center
Department of Social Security
Public Library
Public pool
Senior center
St Vincent de Paul
Family Service Center 11. Schools, day care, nurseries

Alhambra High School
American Child Care
Children’s Campus
Liberty Tradition Charter School

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References: 12. Media and politics *
13. Health care Clinics

Maryvale Hospital
Maryvale Family Health Center


14. Health (morbidity & mortality)

1. e.g. obesity
2. e.g. diabetes
3. e.g. exercise
4. e.g cancer
References: 15. (Healthy People objective) * # 1

NWS-9 Reduce the proportion of adults who are obese

15. (Healthy People objective) * #2

Must be based off #2 in box 14

Reference: Healthy People 2020.Gov
Note: one per problem student

15. (Healthy People objective) * #3

Must be based off #3 in box 14

Reference: Healthy People 2020.Gov
Note: one per problem student
15. (Healthy People objective) * #4
Must be based off #4 in box 14
Reference: Healthy People 2020.Gov
Note: one per problem student. Mark N/A if your group does not use this last box.
Morbidity, the incidence or prevalence of a disease. Mortality refers to the incidence of death (number of deaths) in a population.

• Adapted from Siler (n.d.) Windshield Survey, Accessed December 18, 2013, from
• Community Assessment, Harkness& DeMarco, 2012, box 10.1, page 177
• Adapted from Duquense University (n.d). Accessed December 18, 2013, from
• Healthy People 2020.
• World Health Organization.

Assignment Criteria
Content (70%) Mastery of curriculum-learning objectives The clarity of (1) purpose, (2) quality of documentation & (3) ability to focus exclusively on the discussion topic.
Organization (15%) (1) Synthesize and (2) evaluate and generate new ideas or theory, compile evidence). (3) Organize your thoughts by following the order of the questions.
Presentation (15%) Writing form:(1) Including mechanics, spelling, spoken form; (2) APA format in reference page,(3) Appearance speech & organization (4) meets criteria.
Excellent (5) Good (4) Average (3) Fair 2) Poor (1)
• Addresses all aspects of assignment in sufficient depth (5)
• Uses examples and explanations and supports main points with at valid and reliable resources (5)
• Uses least 3 nursing journals. (5)
• Demonstrates mastery and application of information (5) • Addresses 90% of assignment criteria in sufficient depth (4)
• Supports main points with valid and reliable resources (4)
• Uses at least 2 nursing journals and a minimum of one peer review references (4)
• Demonstrates proficient knowledge of information and includes application (4) • Addresses 85% of assignment in sufficient depth (3)
• Uses examples but doesn’t support examples with valid and reliable resources (3)
• Uses at least one nursing journal and a minimum of two a non-nursing, peer reviewed site, e.g. government sites (3)
• Demonstrates beginner level knowledge of information and includes application (3) • Addresses most aspects 80% of assignment, although not in expected depth (2)
• Supports some points with at least one example and explanations, but more opinion than fact, not supported with valid resources. (2)
• Uses a non-nursing, non-peer reviewed site. e.g. www, Wikipedia) explanation references only (2)
• Demonstrates ability to apply information, but mastery of concept is weak (2) • Does not address most aspects of assignment and/or fails to do so in sufficient depth (1)
• Does not use examples or supporting documentation in the paper/documentation (1)
• Fails to include published references ,does not use references, examples, or explanations (1)
• Does not demonstrate mastery or application of information (1)
• Sequence of thought is logical and ideas are well developed all the time; smooth transition between paragraphs. (5)
• All of the time:Contains excellent supporting points; the points are clearly made and developed and move presentation of ideas forward in a logical manner. (5)
• All of the time: Follows the same order of the questions. Stayed focused on the presentation did not go off target (5)

• Most of the time (90%) : Sequence of thought is logical, ideas are well developed; smooth transition between paragraphs. (4)
• Most of the time: Contains excellent supporting points; the points are clearly made and developed and move presentation of ideas forward in a logical manner. (4)
• Most of the time: Follows the same order of the questions. Stayed focused on the presentation rarely went off target (4)

• Usually (85% of the time) the sequence of thought is logical and ideas are well developed; smooth transition between most paragraphs or sections(3)
• Usually (85% of the time) contains adequate supporting points; the points are clearly made and developed and move presentation of ideas forward in a logical manner (3)
• Did not follow the same order of the questions but they were appropriately labeled and easy to locate, rarely went off target(3)

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• Sometimes (80% of the time) the sequence of thought is logical and ideas are well developed; smooth transition between some paragraphs or sections (2)
• Sometimes (80% of the time) contains supporting points or the points are not clearly made and developed, failing to move presentation of ideas forward in a logical manner (2)
• Responses did not following the same order of the questions and did not document or speak to them clearly (2) • Rarely is the sequence of thought logical and ideas well developed; seldom uses smooth transition between paragraphs (1)
• Rarely contains supporting points; the points are not clearly made and developed nor do they move presentation of ideas, forward in a logical manner (1)
• Responses did not following the same order of the questions and had no logical organization (1)

Excellent (5) Good (4) Average (3) Fair( 2) Poor (1)
• All of the time: Professional (100%) appearance of document, tone, word choice and sentence structure. Uses headings, lists and paragraphs to organize posting (live presentation, professional dress, good voice) (PowerPoint, slides easy to read, not over crowded with words, succinct and to the point (5)

• No errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar. (live presentation, clearly understood topic, did not read from slides) (5)

• Cited references in APA format and integrated the reference into the response (or mentioned nursing literature in presentation; Integrates information from outside resources into body of paper/PowerPoint presentation. (5)

• Meets assigned content criteria and length as instructed and did not go over allotted time. (5) Most of the time (90%) Professional appearance of document, tone, word choice and sentence structure. Uses headings, lists and paragraphs to organize posting (live presentation, professional dress, good voice) (PowerPoint, slides easy to read, not over crowded with words, succinct and to the point (4)

• No major errors (< 2) in spelling, punctuation, and grammar. (4)

• Most of the time (90%) Cited references in APA format and integrated the reference into the response (or mentioned nursing literature in presentation) Integrates information from outside resources into body of paper/PowerPoint presentation (4)
• Meets assigned content criteria and length as instructed but went over by one page, 2 slides, or 5 minutes (4) Some of the time (85%)
• Inappropriate in one of the following: appearance of document, tone, word choice, or sentence structure. (3)
• Few major errors (< 4 ) in spelling, punctuation, and grammar. (4)

• Some of the time (85%)
Cited references in APA format but did not integrate the reference into the response. (3)

• Meets >90% of assignedcontent criteria and length as instructed
but went over by one page, 2 slides, or 5 minutes (4)
Some of the time (80%)
• Inappropriate in two of the following: appearance of document, tone, word choice, or sentence structure or errors that have been corrected in previous assignments. (2)

• Few (> 4) errors in spelling,
punctuation, and grammar (2)

• Does not cite references appropriately. Only provided a link to the reference (2)

• Misses some aspects content criteria as instructed, but went over by two pages, 4 slides, or 7 minutes • Inappropriate in three or more of the following: appearance of document, tone, word choice, or sentence structure or errors that have been corrected in previous assignments. (1)

• Numerous (6 or more) errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar (1)
• No reference cited when it was required. (1)

• Does not meet assigned length of criteria as instructed. Over by three pages, >5 slides, or sufficiently short in presentation length and lacked discussing all content required. Went under or over 10 minutes (1)
Total possible points 50 40 30 20 10

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-References: Use credible sources, include: Healthy People 2020, & a minimum of three nursing journals.

1) Heading for section 1: The name of the vulnerable group
a. Identify your population and discuss social and cultural factors (e.g. Hispanics, Domestic Abuse, Native Americans). Research your vulnerable population. Give demographics of community, as compared to national average (include income, poverty education, example refer to
b. Discuss the aspects of culture that may directly affect health and healthcare, for example, identifying cultural healers, alternative therapies and religious practices, cultural patterns affecting nursing care.
c. Discuss possible health disparities and barriers found in this community. As well as, strengths and resources available to your population. (Refer to the web for cultural considerations about your group. For example:;
2) Heading for section 2: Community problems. CANCER (e.g. cancer)
a. Stay focused. Just talk about the problem (e.g. cancer). Research and discuss the prevalence and incidence of your problem, the known risk factors and treatment goals for the problem.
b. Discuss how the problem is affected by your communities’ culture. Compare the incidence and prevalence of the problem in your population to the national average.
c. Discuss how environment in the community may contribute to the problem. (Use valid and reliable literature to support your chosen problem).

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3) Heading for this section 3: Interventions.
a. Identify the desired outcome based on the Healthy People 2020 Leading Indicators/goals (Use the Healthy People research to support your interventions).
b. Apply your knowledge of social and cultural factors, which affect nursing and healthcare across your chosen population, and outline a plan for interventions based on your findings. Use valid and reliable literature to support your chosen intervention).
c. Conclusion

The purpose of the Community Health Project is to help students think deeply about the community in which they live and do service learning. Students will be able to connect how the environment and determinants of health can influence vulnerable populations and their health/wellness. The community health project consists of one project, broken into three parts, each part building on the other. The project is designed to help students identify, plan and evaluate health problems in a chosen community or subgroup. Objectives (CO#3, 4, 6, 7)

Deliverables (refer to syllabus for due dates)

(1) Windshield Survey (creating an appendix – use template provided) – Group
(2) Written Community Assessment Paper (5 -6 pages) – Individual
(3) Community Assessment (create power point – 15-20 slides) – Group

At a Glance: Process (Overview of the entire project)

• Collect demographics data using credible resources (national, state, county, and city Internet) for community assessment: informant interviews, participant observations, and/or secondary data (e.g. U.S. Census, City of Phoenix sites).
• Using Google maps, identify the zip code or boundary of the area you want to assess.
• Collect data from local sources. As you conduct your assessment and complete the windshield survey tool, support the survey with actual images you have taken with your camera. Record the images as you travel around with your group.
• Research and analyze the data you gained from your observations look for similarities, differences, and inconsistencies to develop a profile of the community.
• Identify and research a vulnerable population, their unmet needs, resources and unique characteristic.
• Based on your windshield survey observations, research about communities, vulnerable populations and the determinants of health; students will write a paper. The paper will outline a plan for a community intervention to improve health and wellness for members of the community, based on the Healthy People 2020 Goals.
• The project will conclude by the student preparing a PowerPoint report to disseminate the information to others.
Deliverables-at a Glance

I. As a group (windshield survey),students will first, choose a community to perform a community assessment. Using the provided template, students will identify various factors, which may affect the health of a community, including cultural considerations. Secondly, the group will identify potential health problems and create a plan for addressing the problems, using the Healthy People 2020 goals.
1) Deliverable: An appendix (see example: Attachment 1), which describes your groups impressions from the windshield survey).
2) References:Research community websites, town/city websites, organizations representing the chosen population or diseases, site sources inside each applicable box. refer to Chapters 8-10.
II. Your individual (written paper assignment), each student chooses oneHealth: Morbidity & Mortality topic problem &Healthy People Goal, (identified in the windshield survey) to research the community, culture, health issues and potential community interventions. The community is the client.
1) Deliverable: Five page paper
2) References: Use credible sources, include: Healthy People 2020, & a minimum of three nursing journals.
III. As a group (PowerPoint), students will develop a final group PowerPoint presentation (15–20 slides) about their chosen community and share their findings in class. This presentation comes at the end of the course, after you have had time to explore various evolving issues and trends in population health. Some examples include the need for people to assume more responsibility for maintaining their own health, Healthy People 2020, epidemiology and the science of prevention, transitional care and the movement from acute care to wellness.
1) Deliverable: PowerPoint presentation.
2) References: Must be included on the slide where applicable.

Part 1: Instructions for Group Projects (3-4 people in a group).

A. Windshield Survey Data gathering.
1) Students will perform a windshield survey, which is a simple “drive-by” assessment of a community to gather general observations about the conditions, resources and needs that are readily apparent through visual observation. Items needed include:
a) Camera,your group will take a minimum of six pictures that show the neighborhood through your eyes. (Avoid including pictures of people we might be able to identify because that would be an invasion of their privacy).Do not take pictures of people without written consent (easier to leave them out of the picture or submit written consent at time of presentation).
a) A map or layout of the neighborhood/community,
b) Windshield Survey Tool (Appendix format).
2) Safety
b) Be careful what time of day you drive or walk a neighborhood.
c) This is a group project; you should not be going alone to any neighborhood.
d) You do not need a car. However, even when walking, it is useful to have more than one person conducting the windshield survey, because this provides more than one perspective on the community being observed
3) Here are some questions to guide your windshield survey, though you are not limited to these. You may discover additional places that help you “see” the neighborhood. As you explore, look for features on the landscape and think about ways the health centers are part of this neighborhood. Use the Windshield Survey Tool to jot down your thoughts.
a) Where are the boundaries of this community? Are there additional boundaries within the neighborhood? Is there a particular building that seems to be the center of the community (e.g. school, church, government building, senior community center, a park, fire department etc.) Does the architecture or the use of buildings provide any clues?
b) What kinds of services for families are in the neighborhood? Could a family find everything they need on a day-to-day basis within this neighborhood? (e.g. grocery stores, health clinics, pharmacy, hospitals, police stations, bus stops, If not, how far would they have to travel to find such services?
c) Does the neighborhood appear safe for children to play and walk to school? Are there public signs in addition to landscape clues? Good lights, graffiti, gang signs, bars, sidewalks, sidewalks (for wheel chair accessory?) (for the first presentation- your windshield survey, just discuss your impressions, but for you final presentation, back up your impression – but also look at the city website for crime rates to back up your impressions).
d) Are there other organizations, such as Boys and Girls Clubs, churches, or Head Start centers that might provide activities for children? Do you see any “safe haven signs?”
e) What jobs are available in the neighborhood? Are these jobs likely to be held by people in the neighborhood or would the employees come from another neighborhood?
f) Interview a member(s) of your population or a healthcare member that serves your population for the final presentation. You may have opportunities during the course or during your clinical experience.
g) What you jot down in boxes 1-13, should lead you to take a look at the community as a whole and make assumptions for box 14, which should help you choose an intervention for box 15. For example, what you see in the community from boxes 1-13, may lead you to assume the community is affluent with many resources. Your observations may lead your group to choose the vulnerable population Hispanics. One member may choose the topic obesity, another diabetes, and a third member nutrition.
h) Then for your individual papers, refer to Healthy People 2020 Goals, to plan possible community interventions.
i) The final PowerPoint will present a summary of your appendix and individual papers.

B. Content Grading Criteria for Windshield Survey Tool, AKA Appendix
• Complete an appendix (see example attachment 1).
• Address all aspects of each section of the survey tool.
• Support main points where possible citing references where applicable.
• In order to demonstrate mastery, students must be able to overtly show evidence of understanding of the community and the determinats of health affecting the community.

Part II: Instructions for Individual Papers (5 pages max)

Your individual (written paper assignment), each student chooses oneHealth: Morbidity & Mortality topic problem &Healthy People Goal, (identified in the windshield survey) to research the community, culture, health issues and potential community interventions. The community is the client.
• Deliverable: Five page paper
• References: Use credible sources, include: Healthy People 2020, & a minimum of 3 nursing journals, US Census and Healthy People 2020.

1) Heading for section 1:The name of the vulnerable group
a. Identify your population and discuss social and cultural factors(e.g. Hispanics, Domestic Abuse, Native Americans). Research your vulnerable population. Give demographics of community, as compared to national average (include income, poverty education, example refer to
b. Discuss the aspects of culture that may directly affect health and healthcare, for example, identifying cultural healers, alternative therapies and religious practices, cultural patterns affecting nursing care.
c. Discuss possible health disparities and barriers found in this community. As well as, strengths and resources available to your population. (Refer to the web for cultural considerations about your group. For example:;
2) Heading for section 2: Community problems.(one per student, no duplicates; e.g. diabetes)
a. Stay focused. Just talk about the problem (e.g. diabetes). Research and discuss the prevalence and incidence of your problem, the known risk factors and treatment goals for the problem.
b. Discuss how the problem is affected by your communities’ culture. Compare the incidence and prevalence of the problem in your population to the national average.
c. Discuss how environment in the community may contribute to the problem. (Use valid and reliable literature to support your chosen problem).
3) Heading for this section 3:Interventions.
a. Identify the desired outcome based on the Healthy People 2020 Leading Indicators/goals (Use the Healthy People research to support your interventions).
b. Apply your knowledge of social and cultural factors, which affect nursing and healthcare across your chosen population, and outline a plan for interventions based on your findings. Use valid and reliable literature to support your chosen intervention).

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c. Conclusion

Part III:
As a group (PowerPoint), students will develop a final group PowerPoint presentation (15–20 slides) about their chosen community and share their findings in class. This presentation comes at the end of the course, after you have had time to explore various evolving issues and trends in population health. Some examples include the need for people to assume more responsibility for maintaining their own health, Healthy People 2020, epidemiology and the science of prevention, transitional care and the movement from acute care to wellness.

• Deliverable: PowerPoint presentation.
• References: Must be included on the slide where applicable

1) In this presentation, you will summarize and discuss the community problem identified, the cultures and the interventions you wrote about in your paper.

Titles of your slides should be as indicated in the underlined:

Content Grading Criteria for PowerPoint
• Slide 1: Title of community and Student Names– a picture of your community in the background
• Slide 2: Title of Community with picture of map boundaries
• Slide 3 and 4: Demographics of community (slides 2 max), macro level discussion (Use credible resources and cite where you obtained the information e.g. U. S. Census, Official City Site).
Slide 3
o Ethnicity mix
o Age range
o Languages
Slide 4
o Variety of households
o Poverty Rates
o Employment Rates
o Educational Rates
• Slide 5-7:Windshield Summary: (slides 3 max). People of the Community-Summarize your findings from the windshield survey. Use pictures of your community on this section. (Use the information you learned from the Windshield Survey Tool for ideas, do not put the appendix into the PowerPoint, do not put all the boxes in the PowerPoint).
• Slides 8- 9: Name of Culture: (slides 2 max). Discuss the aspects of culture that may directly affect health and healthcare, for example, identifying cultural healers, alternative therapies and religious practices, cultural patterns affecting nursing care.
• Slides 10-18: Identified Interventions: Each student will contribute portions of the information from their paper. (Do not go over 3 slides per student!).
Slide 10: Title of identified problem (student 1)
o Brief and succinct explanation of problem (incidence & prevalence) compared to National numbers
Slide 11: Title: Healthy People 2020 Goals/Leading Health Indicator (student 1)
o Desired outcome/goal – Use bullets be succinct.
o Interventions. Describe the plans you made (be specific)- Use bullets be succinct.
Slide 12: Title: Healthy People 2020 Goals/Leading Health Indicator (student 1)
o Bullet points methods, strategies, and/or modalities you would choose to implement your intervention.
Slide 13, 14, 15 (student 2)
Slide 16, 17, 18 (student 3)
• Slides 19-20 Evaluation:
o Highlightresources needed and barriers to achieving goals.
• Last slide
In the note page of slide 20, answer the following question. What changes would you make if you were to repeat the process?
Note: Reference, where applicable should be included in each slide where applicable. Last Slide Provide a reference list (APA format) for websites and resources used for your project.
Note: Speakers Notes: You can use the note section in any of the slides above to add more information to demonstrate mastery and application.
Note: Do NOT put too much information on each slide.

Attachment 1: Appendix
Part I: Windshield Survey Tool
1. Boundaries*

85031, 85035, 85009, 85019, 85033

From North to South: Camelback Rd to Interstate 10

From East to West: 59th Ave. to 35th Ave.

References: 2. Housing and zoning*

References: City, State Web Sites 3. Open space

Empty fields with glass and trash
Public parks and pools
Train tracks

4. Stores and street people

Privately owned stores
No large supermarket chains
Many people pushing grocery carts and riding bicycles
5. Transportation

Public transportation
Cars 6. Race and ethnicity*

Caucasian: 50%
African American: 6%
Other (Hispanic): 37%
Native American: 2%
Multiracial: 4%
Asian: 1%


7. Signs of decay

Several empty fields
Undeveloped housing areas
Houses with bars on their windows
Lots of trash on the curbs
Litter prevalent
Strip clubs
Stray dogs

8. Service/Industrial/Retail

Train tracks
Car sales lots
Strip clubs
Gas station
“Mom and Pop” restaurants
Ethnic grocery stores
Mechanic shops
9. Religion


References: Web sites (cultural health beliefs)
10. Commons/Parks

Community Center
Department of Social Security
Public Library
Public pool
Senior center
St Vincent de Paul
Family Service Center 11. Schools, day care, nurseries

Alhambra High School
American Child Care
Children’s Campus
Liberty Tradition Charter School

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References: 12. Media and politics *
13. Health care Clinics

Maryvale Hospital
Maryvale Family Health Center


14. Health (morbidity & mortality)

1. e.g. obesity
2. e.g. diabetes
3. e.g. exercise
4. e.g cancer
References: 15. (Healthy People objective) * # 1

NWS-9 Reduce the proportion of adults who are obese

15. (Healthy People objective) * #2

Must be based off #2 in box 14

Reference: Healthy People 2020.Gov
Note: one per problem student

15. (Healthy People objective) * #3

Must be based off #3 in box 14

Reference: Healthy People 2020.Gov
Note: one per problem student
15. (Healthy People objective) * #4
Must be based off #4 in box 14
Reference: Healthy People 2020.Gov
Note: one per problem student. Mark N/A if your group does not use this last box.
Morbidity, the incidence or prevalence of a disease. Mortality refers to the incidence of death (number of deaths) in a population.

• Adapted from Siler (n.d.) Windshield Survey, Accessed December 18, 2013, from
• Community Assessment, Harkness& DeMarco, 2012, box 10.1, page 177
• Adapted from Duquense University (n.d). Accessed December 18, 2013, from
• Healthy People 2020.
• World Health Organization.

Assignment Criteria
Content (70%) Mastery of curriculum-learning objectives The clarity of (1) purpose, (2) quality of documentation & (3) ability to focus exclusively on the discussion topic.
Organization (15%) (1) Synthesize and (2) evaluate and generate new ideas or theory, compile evidence). (3) Organize your thoughts by following the order of the questions.
Presentation (15%) Writing form:(1) Including mechanics, spelling, spoken form; (2) APA format in reference page,(3) Appearance speech & organization (4) meets criteria.
Excellent (5) Good (4) Average (3) Fair 2) Poor (1)
• Addresses all aspects of assignment in sufficient depth (5)
• Uses examples and explanations and supports main points with at valid and reliable resources (5)
• Uses least 3 nursing journals. (5)
• Demonstrates mastery and application of information (5) • Addresses 90% of assignment criteria in sufficient depth (4)
• Supports main points with valid and reliable resources (4)
• Uses at least 2 nursing journals and a minimum of one peer review references (4)
• Demonstrates proficient knowledge of information and includes application (4) • Addresses 85% of assignment in sufficient depth (3)
• Uses examples but doesn’t support examples with valid and reliable resources (3)
• Uses at least one nursing journal and a minimum of two a non-nursing, peer reviewed site, e.g. government sites (3)
• Demonstrates beginner level knowledge of information and includes application (3) • Addresses most aspects 80% of assignment, although not in expected depth (2)
• Supports some points with at least one example and explanations, but more opinion than fact, not supported with valid resources. (2)
• Uses a non-nursing, non-peer reviewed site. e.g. www, Wikipedia) explanation references only (2)
• Demonstrates ability to apply information, but mastery of concept is weak (2) • Does not address most aspects of assignment and/or fails to do so in sufficient depth (1)
• Does not use examples or supporting documentation in the paper/documentation (1)
• Fails to include published references ,does not use references, examples, or explanations (1)
• Does not demonstrate mastery or application of information (1)
• Sequence of thought is logical and ideas are well developed all the time; smooth transition between paragraphs. (5)
• All of the time:Contains excellent supporting points; the points are clearly made and developed and move presentation of ideas forward in a logical manner. (5)
• All of the time: Follows the same order of the questions. Stayed focused on the presentation did not go off target (5)

• Most of the time (90%) : Sequence of thought is logical, ideas are well developed; smooth transition between paragraphs. (4)
• Most of the time: Contains excellent supporting points; the points are clearly made and developed and move presentation of ideas forward in a logical manner. (4)
• Most of the time: Follows the same order of the questions. Stayed focused on the presentation rarely went off target (4)

• Usually (85% of the time) the sequence of thought is logical and ideas are well developed; smooth transition between most paragraphs or sections(3)
• Usually (85% of the time) contains adequate supporting points; the points are clearly made and developed and move presentation of ideas forward in a logical manner (3)
• Did not follow the same order of the questions but they were appropriately labeled and easy to locate, rarely went off target(3)

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• Sometimes (80% of the time) the sequence of thought is logical and ideas are well developed; smooth transition between some paragraphs or sections (2)
• Sometimes (80% of the time) contains supporting points or the points are not clearly made and developed, failing to move presentation of ideas forward in a logical manner (2)
• Responses did not following the same order of the questions and did not document or speak to them clearly (2) • Rarely is the sequence of thought logical and ideas well developed; seldom uses smooth transition between paragraphs (1)
• Rarely contains supporting points; the points are not clearly made and developed nor do they move presentation of ideas, forward in a logical manner (1)
• Responses did not following the same order of the questions and had no logical organization (1)

Excellent (5) Good (4) Average (3) Fair( 2) Poor (1)
• All of the time: Professional (100%) appearance of document, tone, word choice and sentence structure. Uses headings, lists and paragraphs to organize posting (live presentation, professional dress, good voice) (PowerPoint, slides easy to read, not over crowded with words, succinct and to the point (5)

• No errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar. (live presentation, clearly understood topic, did not read from slides) (5)

• Cited references in APA format and integrated the reference into the response (or mentioned nursing literature in presentation; Integrates information from outside resources into body of paper/PowerPoint presentation. (5)

• Meets assigned content criteria and length as instructed and did not go over allotted time. (5) Most of the time (90%) Professional appearance of document, tone, word choice and sentence structure. Uses headings, lists and paragraphs to organize posting (live presentation, professional dress, good voice) (PowerPoint, slides easy to read, not over crowded with words, succinct and to the point (4)

• No major errors (< 2) in spelling, punctuation, and grammar. (4)

• Most of the time (90%) Cited references in APA format and integrated the reference into the response (or mentioned nursing literature in presentation) Integrates information from outside resources into body of paper/PowerPoint presentation (4)
• Meets assigned content criteria and length as instructed but went over by one page, 2 slides, or 5 minutes (4) Some of the time (85%)
• Inappropriate in one of the following: appearance of document, tone, word choice, or sentence structure. (3)
• Few major errors (< 4 ) in spelling, punctuation, and grammar. (4)

• Some of the time (85%)
Cited references in APA format but did not integrate the reference into the response. (3)

• Meets >90% of assignedcontent criteria and length as instructed
but went over by one page, 2 slides, or 5 minutes (4)
Some of the time (80%)
• Inappropriate in two of the following: appearance of document, tone, word choice, or sentence structure or errors that have been corrected in previous assignments. (2)

• Few (> 4) errors in spelling,
punctuation, and grammar (2)

• Does not cite references appropriately. Only provided a link to the reference (2)

• Misses some aspects content criteria as instructed, but went over by two pages, 4 slides, or 7 minutes • Inappropriate in three or more of the following: appearance of document, tone, word choice, or sentence structure or errors that have been corrected in previous assignments. (1)

• Numerous (6 or more) errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar (1)
• No reference cited when it was required. (1)

• Does not meet assigned length of criteria as instructed. Over by three pages, >5 slides, or sufficiently short in presentation length and lacked discussing all content required. Went under or over 10 minutes (1)
Total possible points 50 40 30 20 10

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