Health Care Museum

Health Care Museum

Prepare a proposal of the five main developments you would include. Be specific and draw from your readings or other research to demonstrate your understanding of newfound concepts, theories, and vocabulary. Include evidence-based information and your personal analysis describing why these exhibits should be included and how they shaped the current health care system in the United States. Descriptions and analysis must use complete sentences. Format your proposal consistent with APA guidelines. /Please see attache file for a more detailed instructions
Health Care Museum

You are the curator of the first Health Care Hall of Fame Museum that pays tribute to the five most significant developments in the evolution of healthcare in the United States.

Prepare a proposal of the five main developments you would include. Be specific and draw from your readings or other research to demonstrate your understanding of newfound concepts, theories, and vocabulary. Include evidence-based information and your personal analysis describing why these exhibits should be included and how they shaped the current health care system in the United States. Descriptions and analysis must use complete sentences. Format your proposal consistent with APA guidelines.

Part 1: Health Care Hall of Fame Museum Proposal- check to table for example.
Part 2How does everything connect? Write up a comprehensive overview of how these events evolved into each other.
Grading Criteria and Reference Page 2
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Development Description Analysis (How does the development affect the current U.S. health care system?)
Even though the connection between filth and disease was made in the 1850s, the wider medical community still did not understand the cause of infectious diseases until much later. Germ theory was hypothesized in the 19th century in Europe; however, it was not until the 1920s that bacteria and their link with infectious diseases became mainstream knowledge in America and practical applications became integrated into health care. This knowledge led to new sanitation and hygiene measures, hand washing, sterilization in preparing surgical instruments, and ensuring clean water (Lemelson-MIT, 2003). Once the link between germs and disease had been scientifically established, hospitals in America became a place for people to come to recover. Before the 1920s, hospitals were little more than almshouses for the poor who were sick; they provided a place of rest, food, and shelter, but according to Austin and Wetle (2012), “those who could afford home care stayed away from hospitals” (p. 93). By the 1920s, the understanding of germs and, subsequently, sanitation and sterilization of instruments changed the outcome dramatically for hospital patients. Hospitals became places where the best and most advanced care could be offered, changing the entire dynamic of health care delivery.

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Health Care Museum

Health Care Museum

Prepare a proposal of the five main developments you would include. Be specific and draw from your readings or other research to demonstrate your understanding of newfound concepts, theories, and vocabulary. Include evidence-based information and your personal analysis describing why these exhibits should be included and how they shaped the current health care system in the United States. Descriptions and analysis must use complete sentences. Format your proposal consistent with APA guidelines. /Please see attache file for a more detailed instructions
Health Care Museum

You are the curator of the first Health Care Hall of Fame Museum that pays tribute to the five most significant developments in the evolution of healthcare in the United States.

Prepare a proposal of the five main developments you would include. Be specific and draw from your readings or other research to demonstrate your understanding of newfound concepts, theories, and vocabulary. Include evidence-based information and your personal analysis describing why these exhibits should be included and how they shaped the current health care system in the United States. Descriptions and analysis must use complete sentences. Format your proposal consistent with APA guidelines.

Part 1: Health Care Hall of Fame Museum Proposal- check to table for example.
Part 2How does everything connect? Write up a comprehensive overview of how these events evolved into each other.
Grading Criteria and Reference Page 2
Please check the ff for more resources:

Development Description Analysis (How does the development affect the current U.S. health care system?)
Even though the connection between filth and disease was made in the 1850s, the wider medical community still did not understand the cause of infectious diseases until much later. Germ theory was hypothesized in the 19th century in Europe; however, it was not until the 1920s that bacteria and their link with infectious diseases became mainstream knowledge in America and practical applications became integrated into health care. This knowledge led to new sanitation and hygiene measures, hand washing, sterilization in preparing surgical instruments, and ensuring clean water (Lemelson-MIT, 2003). Once the link between germs and disease had been scientifically established, hospitals in America became a place for people to come to recover. Before the 1920s, hospitals were little more than almshouses for the poor who were sick; they provided a place of rest, food, and shelter, but according to Austin and Wetle (2012), “those who could afford home care stayed away from hospitals” (p. 93). By the 1920s, the understanding of germs and, subsequently, sanitation and sterilization of instruments changed the outcome dramatically for hospital patients. Hospitals became places where the best and most advanced care could be offered, changing the entire dynamic of health care delivery.

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