Advanced health Assessment in nursing
Overweight 5-year-old black boy with overweight parents who work full-time and the boy spends his time after school with his grandmother. Search the Walden Library and credible sources for resources explaining the tool or test you were assigned. What is its purpose, how is it conducted, and what information does it gather? Also, as […]
Applied Clinical Dissertations (Non-Empirical)
Applied Clinical Dissertations (Non-Empirical) Applied clinical dissertations supported by the LA Clinical PsyD program use scientific reasoning (e.g., critical thinking, knowledge of scientific methodology) to produce a critical review of empirical and practice-based literature; and to develop a scholarly and innovative product, of clinical or psychoeducational value, grounded in the literature. The literature review portion […]
Moral principles build the bedrock of our moral worldview
Moral principles build the bedrock of our moral worldview. Before making this post, think about what principle/s underlie your beliefs regarding the moral permissibility of assisted death. To get you started, here are some common principles that people appeal to when discussing the morality of assisted death. These are just a few examples. There are […]
Country Health System PowerPoint Presentation
Country Health System PowerPoint Presentation Instructions Despite spending the most money, the U.S. quality and outcome results are low compared to other developed countries. Even emerging countries have lessons for us. Through this assignment, you will use analytical and critical thinking skills to identify lessons for the United States from the assigned country. The ability […]