The Baroque period
The Baroque period
1. Focusing on the Baroque period, discuss the influence Church and Court had on composers and
musical form s.
Referto specific composers and their works. Include musical examples in your
2. Focusing on the composers ofthe “Mighty
Handful” and their works, discuss the effect
glationalism had on music in the 19th century. Include musical examples in your essay.
Focusing on piano works only, discuss how the development of the piano and changing tastes
affected the texture and figurations used by
composers. Referto specific composers and their
works. Include musical examples in your essay.
4. Focusing on the 2oth Century, discuss
the effect the European political scene ofthe time had on
composers and the reception of theirworks around the world. Refer to specific
composers and
their works. Include musical examples in your essay.
Additional pointsto consider:
-When answering the question,
ensure that you back up your assertions with evidence (e.g.
qréote s) from your research and examplesfrom the original score s.
o not
cite or reference Wikipedia.
Ensure you cite your sources and list them in your bibliography. Non-citation of sources will
regarded as plagiarism. Plagiarised papers will be presented to the Head ofAcademic Studies and
will be subject to penalty.
is a recommended reading list at the end if this EUO. This is a starting place only. It is
advised to make use of these sources but do not
limit yourselfto them. Wider reading is encouraged
and will be considered by your marker.
Scores of works can be found at the
Petrucci Music Library located at Recordings
are available on the Naxos Music Library.
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