Amazon Web Services
Amazon Web Services
Case Assignment 6: Amazon Web Services
Your firm has been asked to assess the strategic of position of a major player in the web services industry, Amazon. Your task is twofold.
• First, the client would like you to outline the strategic position of Company X using Hambrick’s Five Elements of Strategy framework as a guide (Arena, Vehicles, Differentiators, Staging and Economic Logic).
• Second, the client would also like your firm to craft a brief strategy statement for Amazon
Please reference online information sources appropriately using endnotes. Please use APA style when citing and referencing information.
Please end the analysis with a discussion regarding implications. In other words, after gathering the data, so what? What does it mean?
Suggested Readings:
• Hambrick, D. 2001. Are you sure you have a strategy? Academy of Management Executive. 15/4 48 – 59
• Collis, D.J. & M.G. Rukstad, 2008 Can you say what your strategy is? Harvard Business Review (4) 82 -90.
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